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Catch Them Doing Something Right

We’ve all heard it, but do we really put it into practice? So often all of our attention is focused on what is not right—one employee’s tardiness, another’s mistakes—that we don’t see what is being done well. Of course we can’t ignore what might be wrong in our organizations, but what would happen if we redirected the focus to the positive?

But how can we redirect the focus? Unfortunately we can’t just flip a switch and suddenly everyone is looking for the good rather than the not-so-good. Getting that to happen may be as big as changing the entire culture of the organization—a pretty tall order.

We should start small. There are formal recognition programs with metrics and scheduled awards and ceremonies, and then there are informal recognitions. Just a “thank you” goes a long way, as long as it is sincere. Beyond that, there are several types of
recognition that cost the company little to nothing, leaving the program room to grow:

Certainly making sure that the rewards are effective is vital to the success of any recognition program.

Most employees really do want to do good and to be a value-added part of the organization. If we can create an atmosphere where the positive is recognized and rewarded, in some form, maybe there will be less negative to steal our attention away from that.

Written by: Sandra Villegas, SPHR, SHRM-SCP