Customized Training
Bring Associated Employers’ expansive list of topics and content to your people. AE’s training classes can be customized to your workplace culture and delivered on-site.
Reasons for Customized On-Site Training
Flexible Scheduling – you pick the day and time based on your company’s needs.
- Customized to Meet Your Training Needs – Based on the needs analysis, the training will be designed to effectively address problem areas.
- All Participants Get the Same Information – Consistent messages create the desired culture identified in the initial needs analysis.
- Stretch Your Training Dollars – The cost for on-site training for an entire management staff is considerably less than sending the same group to public training.
- Create Continuity and Education Between Departments – Promotes issue identification and problem solving through peer education.
- Results Can Be Applied Immediately – Real world examples and on-going evaluations from session to session are used to ensure quick transfer and use of knowledge in the work place.
- Promotes Teamwork – When participants learn together, they share common experiences which facilitate team building and problem solving.
- Specially Selected Trainers – Our trainers are chosen for your company based on their experience in industry and ability to use innovative techniques for the most effective training outcome.